Full participation guide

  1. Print area: A4 layout
  2. Build an arm with exactly 2 motors.
  3. Find or create 9 cubes of your preferred size: 3 red, 3 blue, 3 yellow.
  4. Publish the video and pictures (details below)
  5. The live rounds will be on 2018-12-31. During each match, participants control their arm with their preferred method to complete tasks in a given order.
  6. When the final match ends and points are calculated, the winners will be announced.
  7. Rewards will be sent within 72 hours after the winners announcement.

Places to create an submission (choose one)

What should be in submission

For uploading the videos you could use youtube, vimeo, facebook, or any other platform of your choose. Video should be publicly available.

Live match details

Participants will have to do certain tasks. Tasks will be selected randomly and published in the beginning of the match.

Example of tasks:

There will be page with current livestreams:


Due to various delays in stream services, time will be measured separately for each participant.